Simple Victoria Sponge

Simple Victoria Sponge

For a lovely and simple, fluffy, sponge cake that the whole family can enjoy, follow this super simple and classic recipe.

Preheat oven at 180 / Gas 5
You will need 2 nicely greased and lined 8 inch round cake pan


4oz Self Raising Flour
4oz Soft Butter/Stork/Margarine
4oz Caster Sugar
1tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
2 Large Eggs


Various alternatives
Lemon Curd
Fresh Whipped Cream & berries

Soften the butter and sugar together, make sure its lovely and creamy
Add in the 2 eggs and beat well
Sieve in the flour and baking powder
Beat well, but until fluffy – careful to not over beat!
Split between the 2 baking tins evenly

Cook in the middle of the oven for approximately 25-30 mins, until a skewer comes out clean.

Leave to cool before choosing your filling and enjoy!


You could dust with icing sugar, add berries, fill with your favourite jam or chocolate spread. (If you fill with chocolate, try heating it up in the oven for ten mins and serve with ice cream!)
You could also change the flavour by adding the rind of a lemon and a teaspoon of lemon essence, or orange!


English Scones

English Scones


Served fresh and warm from the oven with butter, jam and cream. All that’s left to debate is, is it cream then jam, or jam then cream? You can debate that while eating these beauts.

Pre heat your oven to 180 / gas 5
You will need a couple of lined (baking parchment is perfect) flat baking trays for the scones to go on, a bowl for mixing and a measuring jug.


450g self raising flour
100g softened butter – I chop mine up
50g caster sugar
2 tsp baking powder
2 large eggs
A touch of milk

You can also add currents to the recipe too, or sultanas to make these fruity.


Mix the sugar, baking powder and flour together in a large bowl
Add in the butter and crumb (rub between your finger tips until it has the consistency of breadcrumbs)
In the jug, crack the eggs and add milk to 275ml
Add approx 75% the milk and egg into the crumbed mixture and mix until it starts to come together. (use the other 25% to add or not add, depending if the mixture is coming together nicer)
Tip out onto a floured surface and knead for a couple of minutes
Roll out to around 2.5cm thick.
Using a medium round cutter (I like a fancy edge!), get as many circles as you can, before re-kneading, rolling and cutting until there is no more dough left

Place on a baking tray, evenly spread out, brushing the top with milk (or any of the left over egg/milk mixture)
You can sprinkle some sugar on top at this point too – I like a Demerara myself!

Pop into the preheated oven for approx 15 minutes, checking after ten. They should be lovely and golden brown on top with a nice rise.

Cool on a wire rack, enjoy while still warm.

Note – scones are ideal to freeze once cool to be saved for another day!


Easy Bakes for Children #3 Salt Dough Cookies

Easy Bakes for Children #3 Salt Dough Cookies

Salt dough is a super simple way to ‘bake’ some shapes with your children. Perfect to make and use cutters to make lovely decorations, ideal for a cheery Easter window, or before Christmas for tree decorations.

What you will need…. preheat the oven to 120 degrees or gas 2

Measuring cup
Big Bowl
Jug of warm water
Baking tray
Biscuit /play dough cutters
Toothpick/something to make a hole with


1 cup of table salt
4 cups of plain flour
1.5 cups warm water


Pour all the ingredients into the large bowl. Mix well until very dough like. Tip out onto the work surface and knead it for a few minutes until it is all combined.

Flour a surface/table and roll out to approximately 1cm thickness

Use cutters to make shapes out of the dough. Place on a baking tray with a centimetre between each.
ADULT – use a cocktail stick or straw to make a hole big enough to thread some string or ribbon through so you can hang them.

Make small holes to make it easy to hang the shapes

Bake in the oven for 2 hours, the turn over and cook for a further 2 hours until hard. (they should now be a pale cream colour)

This is how they will look when you turn them over before recooking.


These salt dough shapes are perfect to decorate with any paint, glue, glitter, sticky on eyes etc. They are great as you can leave them overnight and make it a 2 day activity!
When you have finished decorating, leave them to dry overnight (handy to use a cake cooling rack!) then ideally (an adult) can varnish them before threading some string or ribbon through and hanging them in your windows, or christmas tree – or anywhere really!

Happy Baking, Love Jodie




Easy Bakes for Children #2 Chocolate Cake

Easy Bakes for Children #2 Chocolate Cake

Nice and easy for today, a really simple, chocolate cake. You can fill this with a lovely cherry jam for a slightly more grown up cake, or make some chocolate filling yourself. Or even grab a jar of your favourite chocolate spread to make it even easier.

What you’ll need….

Preheat the oven at 180 degrees, or gas mark 5
2 x 8inch cake tins, well greased or lined – there are some great liners that you can get online if you’re a keen baker!
Large bowl


For the cake –
200g self-raising flour
200g caster sugar
200g baking margerine
4 eggs
1.5tsp baking powder
25g chocolate powder – bournville is great, so is Aldi’s version
2tbsp milk
1tsp vanilla essence (if you have it)

For the frosting –
100g milk chocolate – melted gently in the microwave (I personally find it easier to grab a pack of chocolate chips – they are about 45p in Aldi and they melt much faster)
200g softened butter (I find unsalted is better than margarine)
400g icing sugar
40g chocolate powder (as above)
1tsp vanilla essence
Milk if required to thin the mixture – tsp at a time!


Soften the margarine by mixing it until soft. Once soft, add in all of the other ingredients and give it a good old mix! It needs to be really well combined. If you have older children, you could easily use a hand whisk (supervised – obviously!) to make sure its really combined – or even give it a hand whisk once you’re little one has had enough of baking!

Pour half of the mixture into each tin and bake (on the same shelf if you can) for 20-30 minutes – until a skewer comes out nice and clean with no ‘batter’ on it.

Cool for 20 minutes (in the pan) then tip out onto a wire rack and cool fully

Buttercream Filling

Gently melt the chocolate in a microwave – careful not to burn (mum or dad to do this!) – or over a bowl of hot water on the hob.

Take the softened butter in a bowl, combine in the icing sugar, vanilla and chocolate powder until smooth. Pour in the melted chocolate and whip.

Fill the cake with the lovely buttercream, you can top it too, even with lots of chocolates or some chocolate shavings or sprinkles!

Happy Baking, love Jodie xXx


Easy Bakes for Children #1 – Rock Cakes

Easy Bakes for Children #1 – Rock Cakes

So, it really is a tough time at the moment with all the children being at home. Finding things to do with them is getting harder, and after speaking to my lovely friend Cath, who had been baking with her son (obviously she sent me very proud pictures of Harry with his flapjack), I thought this was an ideal time to share a few easy recipes with ingredients you are likely to have at home, or easily get your hands on while doing your essential weekly shop.Ingredients!
Rock Cakes – easy and delicious

What you will need…. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees (or number 4 gas)

Weighing scales
Large mixing bowl
Cup and fork (to whisk egg)
Baking sheet with non stick parchment – 2 means you can cook all in one go, if you only have one, its no problem, you will just have to cook half a batch at a time 🙂


200g self raising flour
100g butter – room temperature and cut into small pieces is best
1tsp baking powder
1.5tsp mixed all spice (if you have it – you could use cinnamon/nutmeg/ginger instead)
85g light brown sugar (muscovardo is best, but could use demerara or any golden sugar)
1 egg – whisked
2tbsp milk
100g dried fruit – I like sultanas or raisons


Tip the flour, baking powder, mixed spice (or alternative) and butter into a large bowl. Rub the butter into the flour until it looks like breadcrumbs – this can be a little bit messy, so make sure you are wearing an apron! (If you are not making these with children, you can whizz this up in a food processor to save time!)

When your mixture looks like breadcrumbs, pour in the sugar and dried fruit and give it a good mix up.

Pour in the whisked egg and the milk and give a good stir again until it makes a firm ish dough (mum/dad – you might need to help here for a little bit of extra umph on the mixing!)

Take your baking tray and take 10-12 rough blobs of the dough and pop on the tray – I fit 5/6 per tray and space out well. These don’t need to be rolled in your hand – just literally plonked on the tray!

Sprinkle with some extra brown sugar before popping in the oven for 20-25 mins until they are nice and golden brown.

Ideal warm and can be frozen for up to 2 months to enjoy at a later date, if you don’t eat them all at once!

Happy Baking, Love Jodie x

A happy delivery (contactless) to my lovely nanna, Mollie.